Sunday, May 10, 2015

Jamestown, Safari Park & Natural Bridge

It was field trip time again!  Cal's field trip actually happened before our Massanutten get-away, and Shanna and Haley's field trip happened after.  But I wanted to group them into one post, so here you go!

Cal and Lee went to Jamestown this spring.  Cal has been looking forward to this trip because he knew Lee would be with him.  It's so funny how kids will wake up super early for something special.  Actually I am the same way too!  I have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning--I am a snooze button person!  But if we have a trip to go on, I can get out of bed quick!

Here are pictures from Cal's field trip! I should have Lee add some commentary because I am not sure of what is what in the pictures.  Guess I need to have Cal do a little slide show for me!
April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (2)

April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (3)

April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (4)

I do know they spotted a bald eagle and its nest.
April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (6)

April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (7)

April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (8)

April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (9)

April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (10)

April 10 2015 Jamestown Field Trip Cal Lee (11)

They had a great time.  I know Cal told fun things about it, but I can't remember!

Shanna and Haley had a big field trip to the Virginia Safari Park and the Natural Bridge.  Apparently a few years back the teachers couldn't "book" a school bus to take them on this long field trip since they arrived home after school hours, so they always took a coach bus.  Well, they still take a coach bus.  Maybe when Elden's turn rolls around we'll take a good 'ol school bus to save on some money... The girls loved it and were excited to watch a movie on the way to the Safari Park.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge

I lucked out and this was my companion on the way down and back.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (2)

The Safari Park is pretty fun!  I want to take my whole family there sometime. Lots of fun animals. Poor Haley.  That morning she wanted her coat but I kept brushing her off saying she wouldn't need it.  Well....I was wrong.  It turned out to be a great day, but it sure was chilly at the Safari Park! I wish I would have brought more than a hoodie along. 
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (3)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (5)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (6)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (8)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (9)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (11)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (14)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (15)

The best part of the Safari Park was riding around on the wagon, feeding the animals. You can drive in yourself too in your own vehicle.  I saw some nice vehicles in there, and I'd be worried to take one of those in there!  These animals come right up to you.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (18)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (19)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (20)

They told the kids that if the camels took the feeding bucket out of their hand to just let the camels have them.  Don't fight them.  And then the camels ate the buckets!!!
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (21)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (22)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (23)

We were still cold after the ride and we sat on the bus to eat lunch.  We were the only ones eating on the bus.  Everyone was eating lunch at a pavilion that was well shaded...meaning more cold! My girls kind of wanted to go out and eat with everyone, but I didn't.  When we were done eating, then people started getting on the bus to eat, ha ha.

I bought some bird feeding sticks to take to the bird enclosure.  That was something else I really enjoyed.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (24)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (25)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (26)

This picture is pretty funny with the bird hanging on to dear life to get that last bit of food.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (29)

Right before we left I had some visitors too.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (30)

Next stop we headed to the Natural Bridge.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (31)

Pretty neat Natural Bridge! It is in the stages of becoming a state park.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (32)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (33)

Learning about the native Indians that lived there.
April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (35)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (36)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (37)

April 24 2015 Safari Park & Natural Bridge (38)

We had a good trip and I'm glad I could go.  Lee switched his work schedule and Clark did some babysitting after school to make it happen.

Lee does a lot of creative dates, and my dates are normally predictable, but still fun.  Right Lee?  I was at the grocery store and thought of a fun cream tasting!  Lee did a chocolate taste-testing date a few weeks ago which I really enjoyed. 

Playing off of Lee's job, "Which is better 1 or 2?" I made a little eye chart describing our date. Date Night Ice Cream Tasting.
April 25 2015

It was between Talenti and Ben & Jerry's.  The gelato and the ice cream were quite different, but both really good.  Ben & Jerry's won out for both of us.
April 25 2015 (2)

The day after the girls' field trip I went to a women's conference that my church hosted in Charlottesville.  There were some great speakers and service projects.  During lunch I took my two friends that rode with me to Trader Joe's. They had never been there before so it was fun introducing them to that store.  One of the speakers was Jason Wright, who happens to be my 2nd cousin.  It was so fun to meet him, his mom and sister.  I've read some of his books and really enjoyed them.  I am going to have to read some of his other books.  I really like Richard Paul Evans' books too.
April 25 2015 Jason Wright

I love it when the kids play together and one afternoon they had a great time together.  So cute.
April 26 2015 (2)

1 comment:

Lois said...

Love it. Maybe in a year or so we can go to the Safari park as well!